Being such a rebellious dog, Max felt right at home during the early part of our difficult years, because suddenly he was in sync with the rest of the family, all of whom were feeling pretty mutinous over the pounding
Episode seventy-one: Humans in chaos, but Max learns New Tricks
After regular two-week intervals between dog blogs, there has been a significant gap, and the reason for that is the blog on the front page of this website. Care for poor little Minx, the Manx as she developed more health
Tribute to a wonderful cat: Minx the Manx
Over the past few months, I spent little time on the Internet, partly because I was working on a new manuscript, but mainly due to the fact that our little cat, Minx, at nineteen years of age, was ailing and
Episode Seventy: Max gets a new show
Come October, the fall-winter puppet-show marathon started again. Max took this in his stride. As long as he had his morning walk with me, Edna and Brandy, or Hugh and the girls on the weekend, he didn’t care what we
Episode Sixty-nine: Now Voyageur – a Sea-dog blog.
During 1996, we spent another summer at Pender Harbour, but although we had now purchased the Garden Bay cottage, we were still holidaying on the Madeira Park side because the cottage there simply wouldn’t sell. We had rented the Garden
Episode Sixty-eight: Max finds his voice.
The beginning of 1996 was memorable because of the massive amount of snow, and Max, with his husky genes, loved it. He and Brandy had wonderful romps in the woods. One day, we came across an old mattress that someone
Episode Sixty-seven: The best Christmas ever!
That year, our family had a particularly busy and social Christmas. Back in November, I had received a call from my Cousin Peter in Australia to say that he and his family were coming to Canada for a ski holiday
Episode Sixty-six: Puppet Dog
Halloween and Christmas were the two seasons when we had the greatest demand for puppet shows, so the fall was always our busy time. It was also becoming difficult to accept gigs which conflicted with Hugh’s workdays or the girls’
Episode Sixty-five: Max, the Ho-Hum ham-fisted Husky.
As the summer drew to a close, we were busy listing the Pender Harbour cottage and arranging a loan so that we could buy the property on Pool Road. We didn’t realize what a rocky ride this would prove and
Play or story? Which presents the most challenges?
People often ask me whether I prefer writing plays, stories or marionette musicals. It’s hard to answer that question and I always end up saying that I most enjoy whichever I am doing at the particular moment. Writing a story